Decrim Review | Respect QLD

The QLRC Review Report was released in March 2023.

The Queensland Government announced its support for the recommendations and its intention to decriminalise sex work!

The Decriminalising Sex Work Bill was introduced to parliament on 24 February, 2024.

A parlimentary committee called for submissions, and held hearings and then released it’s report recommending the Bill pass parliament on 12 April, 2024.

The Decriminalising Sex Work Bill was re-introduced, voted on and passed

by the Queensland government on 2 May, 2024!

The new laws will commence on 1 August, 2024.

Watch out for our info sessions about the new laws. 

The QLRC Review into decriminalisation of sex work in Queensland was undertaken from 27 August 2021 – 31 March 2023

On 27 August 2021, the Attorney-General Hon Shannon Fentiman referred the Decriminalisation of Sex Work in Queensland to the independent Law Reform Commission (QLRC) to undertake a review and draft legislation to decriminalise the sex work industry. On 31 March 2023 the QLRC report was released.

Changes to the Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference sets out the parameters of the review i.e., what was covered and what was not. The Queensland Law Reform Commission was asked to outline a framework for a decriminalised sex work industry in twelve key areas. In November 2022 the Terms of Reference were amended to remove the expectation that the QLRC will draft actual legislation. Instead, they were asked to prepare “drafting instructions”. You can read the full Terms of Reference here.

Consultation Paper

On 11 April, 2022 the QLRC released a 255 page long Consultation Paper on decriminalisation of sex work including a call for submissions.

#DecrimQLD & Respect Inc wrote a joint “Submission” to the QLRC review

The #DecrimQLD and Respect Inc join submission was in response to the 250 page long QLRC Consultation Paper called ‘A framework for a decriminalised sex work industry in Queensland’. The joint submission was respectfully informed by the lived experiences of sex workers in Queensland, reliable academic research, recent survey results, and community consultations. You can link to the whole submission as a PDF or look at it section by section. The proposed law reform has the potential to be the most significant policy change for sex workers, our partners, friends, families and children to ever happen in Queensland whilst simultaneously resulting in very little change for most other community members. Sex workers in Queensland and our workplaces would no longer be criminalised but instead have the same workplace, health and safety rights as other workers.

What is decriminalisation?

→ Decriminalisation is the repeal of laws specific to sex workers or the sex industry.

 Decriminalisation is not ‘no regulation’. When criminal laws are removed the same civil laws and regulations that apply to other businesses will apply to the sex industry, including Workplace Health & Safety (WHS).

→ Sex workers will have the same rights and responsibilities as other workers.

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