Our vision is for sex work to be recognised as work and as such fully decriminalised. We envisage a society where all sex workers are free to pursue our occupation safely, on our own terms without fear of criminalisation, stigma or discrimination. Read more
Respect is Hiring – Resources Developer
Respect Inc is seeking a Resources Developer to join our team in Meanjin (Brisbane). The Resources Developer position will develop a range of materials and information to support sex workers' transition to decriminalisation in Queensland. By updating existing and...
International Sex Worker Rights Day – Gimuy (Cairns) celebration 5th March
Respect Inc would like you to join us to celebrate International Sex Workers' Rights Day on Wednesday 5 March, 2025, with lunch on us at a local Italian restaurant. All food and drinks will be included, except alcohol. This event is open to sex workers only. Please...
We’re hiring! Yugambeh (Gold Coast) Peer Educator
Could you be the new Yugambeh Peer Educator at Respect Inc? Position Details: Gold Coast Peer Educator Permanent-part time, 20 hours per week, Southport. Social Community Home Care and Disability Services (SCHCADS) Industry Award 2010 Level 4.1 ($43.08). Applications...
Respect is coming to the Wide Bay area 10th-14th March!
Are you a worker based in Gladstone, Rockhampton, Bundy, Sunshine coast? Or touring the area? Ella and Peach will be in the Wide Bay area for Regional Outreach from the 10th to 14th March 2025! Make a time to catch-up for coffee and a chat. We have lots of freebies...
Sentencing review recognises sex worker submissions
The Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council review of sentencing practices for sexual assault and rape offences is complete. The Sentencing of Sexual Assault and Rape: The Ripple Effect, Final Report includes findings and 28 recommendations. The changes include:...
International Sex Workers’ Rights Day – Movie Event – Meanjin
Respect Inc would like you to join us to celebrate International Sex Workers' Rights Day on Monday 3 March, 2025, with a private screening of Anora (MA15+). Please note this movie does contain scenes of violence against a sex worker. The private showing is at an inner...
We’re Hiring: Trans Woman Peer Educator (Meanjin/Brisbane)
Respect Inc is hiring a Trans Woman Peer Educator in Meanjin (Brisbane). This 10-hour-per-week role focuses on providing peer education, support, and advocacy for trans women sex workers. Applicants must be trans women with lived sex work experience. Applications will stay open until the role is filled.
We’re Hiring: Career Development Peer Educator (Meanjin/Brisbane)
We’re seeking a Career Development Peer Educator to join our team in Meanjin (Brisbane). This 15-hour-per-week role supports sex workers with career development and coordinates Respect Inc’s workshop program. Applicants must have lived sex work experience. Applications close 12 January 2024.
แน้วที่างปฏิิบัตัิเรืองสุุขภาพและ ความีปลอดูภัยใน้การที่ำางาน้
หลังจากที่ีมีีการเริมีใช้ Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) และ Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 งาน้บริการที่างเพศไดู้กลายเป็น้อาชีพที่ีถูกกฎหมีายใน้รัฐควีน้สุ์แลน้ดู์ และดูังน้ัน้ตั้องปฏิิบัตัิตัามีWork Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act)

International Sex Workers’ Rights Day – Movie Event – Meanjin
Respect Inc would like you to join us to celebrate International Sex Workers' Rights Day on Monday 3 March, 2025, with a private screening of Anora (MA15+). Please note this movie does contain scenes of violence against a sex worker. The private showing is at an inner...