“Stalking is any behaviour that causes the stalked person to feel apprehension or fear, feel fear of violence to themselves or against their property or the property of another person.”
Sexual Assault
“Sexual assault is never your fault.”
Sex Workers With Children
” When overloaded with responsibilities, many working parents forget to take care of themselves. Find time out for you. Enjoy your children without the pressure of always having to hurry.”
Sex Work & Pregnancy
“When sex workers become pregnant they have the choice to keep working or stop working. It’s important to know the choice is up to the person who is pregnant. It is their body, their baby and their decision.”
Sex Work & Burnout
“Everyone’s point of burnout is different, the trick is to know yours, know what you can do to cope with it. Be better at knowing your limits.”
Respect Inc Feedback Form
This is an online form to give Feedback to Respect Inc.
PEP or Post Exposure Prophylaxis
“Are you worried about a recent incident that may have exposed you to HIV? PEP is available from a medical doctor. When taken within 72 hours, it significantly reduces the risk of acquiring HIV.”
Negotiating The Booking
“The only things that are negotiable are the things you say are negotiable. “
Giving Respect Inc authority to share information on your behalf
This online form grants Respect Inc to share information on your behalf. After filling this out you will need to verify in person, over the phone or on email.
Ugly Mug Incident Report Form
This is an online alert form for you to submit information about an Ugly Mug to Respect Inc.
Looking After Your Health
“Eating, Sleeping, Getting out & interacting with other people – all this can go a long way towards keeping you healthy.”
Drink Spiking
“Drink spiking can have VERY, VERY, VERY serious consequences. Please be careful, please take care of yourself and please don’t take shit from clients or the people you’re working for. If you are spiked, don’t hesitate to call the police and ambulance immediately”.