Sexual Health Check – Certificate Of Attendance
The law in Queensland previously required sex workers in licensed brothels to provide a Sexual Health Check Certificate Of Attendance every 3 months.
Please note these criminal laws have been repealed in line with voluntary testing as a best practice approach.
Attending regular testing is still very important and is recommended however a Certificate of Attendance is no longer required.
For long-form reading on this topic you may wish to check out:
- World Journal of AIDS “Mandatory Testing for HIV and Sexually Transmissible Infections among Sex Workers in Australia: A Barrier to HIV and STI Prevention” 2012
- Commonwealth Government Strategies on Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections 2019
- Queensland Sexual Health Strategy
- Queensland HIV Action Plan 2016 – 2021

DISCLAIMER AND TRIGGER WARNING: The information contained in these sources, although credible for the purposes of informing a GP to issue a Sexual Health Check – Certificate of Attendance, may imply that sex workers are a higher STI risk. Currently, there is no evidence that we know of that indicates sex workers in Australia have rates of STI higher than other sexually active people in the general population. However there is evidence that sex workers in Australia have STI rates lower than other priority groups.