Blog | Respect QLD

Sex Work & Burnout

“Everyone’s point of burnout is different, the trick is to know yours, know what you can do to cope with it. Be better at knowing your limits.”

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PEP or Post Exposure Prophylaxis

“Are you worried about a recent incident that may have exposed you to HIV? PEP is available from a medical doctor. When taken within 72 hours, it significantly reduces the risk of acquiring HIV.”

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Looking After Your Health

“Eating, Sleeping, Getting out & interacting with other people – all this can go a long way towards keeping you healthy.”

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Drink Spiking

“Drink spiking can have VERY, VERY, VERY serious consequences.  Please be careful, please take care of yourself and please don’t take shit from clients or the people you’re working for.  If you are spiked, don’t hesitate to call the police and ambulance immediately”.

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Cleaning & Caring For Your Sex Toys

“Do you have a new toy? Before you throw out the packaging, check to see what the toy is made of. Each toy will be individual. How it is cleaned? What aftercare will you need to perform? What lube you can use to stop it deteriorating.”

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Dealing with Difficult Clients

Dealing with Difficult Clients

Most clients are easygoing and easily led by a sex worker when they feel that they are getting the services they have paid for. However, others will never be satisfied, no matter how much effort you put into the booking.

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Media Release, Oct 2018: Sex Workers Win In Court Despite Bad Laws, Queensland

Media Release, Oct 2018: Sex Workers Win In Court Despite Bad Laws, Queensland

Last month two local inner-city Brisbane sex workers were involved in a historic prosecution. Three other sex workers were defrauded by the same man but were unable to come forward due to privacy and confidentiality concerns. The accused plead guilty to two counts of Fraud and “Dishonestly gaining benefit or advantage.” He was ordered to pay each worker $350, plus was fined &750 for each offence.

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