昆士兰的性工作法律 信息表
在昆士兰,新颁布的性工作法律,于 2024 年 8 月开始生效。性工作已合法化,不再被视为犯罪。性工作现在被正式认可为一种工作。
ของงานให้บริการทางเพศและกฎหมายในควีนส์แลนด์ เอกสารข้อมูล
การเปลี่ยนแปลงสู่การยกเลิกความผิดทางอาญาของงานให้บริการทางเพศและกฎหมายในควีนส์แลนด์ เอกสารข้อมูล ในควีนส์แลนด์ กฎหมายงานให้บริการทางเพศฉบับใหม่เริ่มมีผลบังคับใช้ในเดือนสิงหาคม 2024 งานให้บริการทางเพศจะไม่ถูก...
성노동과 퀸즐랜드 법률
본 안내문은 퀸즐랜드에서 무엇이 합법적이고 불법적인지 설명하고 자주 묻는 질문에 답변합니다.
International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers 2025 Event
Join us on December 17th to honour and remember sex workers lost to violence, criminalisation, stigma and vilification.
Work Health & Safety for Sex Workers
There are new Work Health and Safety (WHS) protections for sex workers in QLD.
Discrimination protections
New anti-discrimination laws for sex workers in QLD provide broader protections.
New Consent Laws for QLD
New consent laws in QLD make stealthing and false representations of payment to a sex worker rape or sexual assault offences.
Mpox info for Sex Workers -updated
Click on the link below to learn about the following Mpox topics What is Mpox? How do people get Mpox? What are the symptoms of Mpox? How do I prevent Mpox? Some things sex workers can do to reduce the risk of MPX transmission Tips if you can't avoid sexual/physical...
Sex work and the laws in Queensland: Transitioning to Decrim
Sex work laws have changed in Queensland. Sex work laws are different across each state and territory of Australia. What is legal in one state is not necessarily legal in another. Changes to sex work laws were passed in Queensland parliament in May and have now...
What we've all been waiting for, Decrim will commence on the 1st of August 2024! Keep an eye on our social media for details X (formerly known as twitter): @respectqld @DecrimQLD Instagram: @respect.qld @DecrimQLD...
Queensland Government has Introduced a Bill to decriminalise sex work!
Today, a Bill to decriminalise sex work in Queensland (Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024) was tabled in Parliament at last! A long awaited day for many of us, and one we should take a moment to celebrate thanks to the...
RESPECT INC CONDEMNS SEX WORKER OUTING IN MEDIA Respect Inc, Queensland’s sex worker organisation, condemns this week's decision by the Gold Coast Bulletin to ‘out’ a sex worker, a mother of young children by printing her legal name, sex work name and photo. Respect...