“Stop criminalisation of sex worker safety in Queensland” Media Release Dec 2019
On 17 December sex workers and allies will gather at Centenary Place Park, responding to the arrest of more than 30 sex workers, laws that criminalise sex worker safety strategies and a government that is carelessly delaying action.
End Violence Against Sex Workers Qld Vigil & protest
17 December vigil/protest in Brisbane for International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.
Queensland laws criminalise sex worker safety (letting another sex work know where we are or checking in when we finish a booking, working in pairs, using a driver another sex worker uses, hiring a receptionist etc) & make it almost impossible for sex workers to report crime.
Queenie Bon Bon tours BRISBANE for International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
South East Qld Events for 2019 International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
Thursday Evening Clinic opens at Stonewall
5pm – 9pm, 52 Newmarket Road, corner of Swan Terrace, in Windsor.
CAIRNS Dec 17 Events 2019
2 events for International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. 17 Dec – Mental Health Workshop, 19 Dec – Tea and Tarts
Merchandise for DecrimQLD fundraising
We’ve got a full range of great merchandise for you to purchase to support the campaign for decriminalisation of sex work in Qld.
Check out the must have calendar, mugs, tshirts and badges.
Cheap Bulk Supplies
Need work supplies? We sell cheap bulk sex work products.
Police Raids On Gold Coast – 30 Oct 2019
The raids have charged twenty five people.
Hướng Dẫn cho Người Buôn Hương Đổi Phái Tính Từ Nam sang Nữ, trước khi giải phẩu – Tips for male to female trans* workers, pre op
Hướng Dẫn cho Người Buôn Hương Đổi Phái Tính Từ Nam sang Nữ, Trước khi giải phẩu Tips for male to female trans* workers, pre-op Đối với một người buôn hương nam đóng vai nữ trước khi giải phẩu, xin tham khảo những hướng dẫn cho người nam làm nghề buông hương. Nếu...
Respect Inc. Submission Police Powers Bill October 2019
Proposal for relaxation of police powers in relation to regulatory infringements by brothel owners. Discusses negative impacts this would have on sex workers and why DecrimQLD and Respect Inc cannot support this.
September is Pride MONTH in Brisbane
These events are for sex workers, queers, family, friends and supporters.
근로자 워크샵
성노동자들을 위한 Respect Inc 워크샵에 여러분을 환영합니다. 본 워크샵의 목적은 성노동자들에게
정보와 교육을 제공하는 것입니다. 여러분은 워크샵의 모든 프로그램에 참석할 수도 있고, 혹은
필요하고 관련된 섹션만 선택할 수도 있습니다. 저희는 여러분의 직무분야의 전문가들은 아니지만, 본
워크샵을 통해 성서비스 제공에 대한 유용한 아이디어와 테크닉을 전달해드릴 수 있기를 바랍니다.