There are many practices to keep you physically safe and healthy while working. This information is about
Different types of condoms
Many ways of putting on a condom
Disposing of the condom
Using a condom as a cock ring
What are condoms made out of?
Internal condoms (Femidom/ female condoms)
Reasons condoms break or slip off
Safety tips
Where can you get condoms?
고객 검사 – Checking a client
눈을 뜨고, 불을 켜십시오!
건강한 신체는 우리가 가진 최고의 사업 자산입니다! – A healthy body can be our best business asset!
성노동자로서 우리는 즐거운 서비스를 제공합니다. 우리가 고객들을 성적으로 자극시키고 흥분시키면,
고객들은 더 빨리 사정하게 되고 그 결과로 우리 몸이 덜 상하게 됩니다. 고객들에게 더욱 안전한
성관계 전략을 사용하면서 성관계를 즐길 수 있는 법을 보여줌으로써, 우리는 지역사회에 안전한
성관계를 알리는 교육자가 될 수 있습니다.
Decriminalise Sex Work – Cairns
As sex workers in Queensland we have been working with (and around) laws that get in the way of our safety, health and rights.
It is our objective to recognise that by providing education, information and support to sex workers, sex workers will be effectively resourced as safer sex educators to pass on those educational benefits to the larger general population.
Core Values
‘Sex Work is Work’ and ‘Sex Worker Rights are Human Rights’
PHD: “Women who buy sex in Australia” Hilary Caldwell, 2018
This project explores women buying sex in Australia.
Respect Inc Submission against Cashless Debit Card July 2018
Respect Inc. statement against the cashless debit card.
Transgender, and Male Study (TaMS) Report 2018
Male sex workers, and Trans sex workers, were the subject of a state wide research project by Respect Inc in 2017. The report was completed in 2018 and is now public.
PHD: “Sex worker organisations, political autonomy from funders” Elena Jeffreys, May 2018
Sex worker organisations and political autonomy from funders: case studies of Scarlet Alliance Australian Sex Workers Association and Empower Foundation (Thailand)
MEDIA RELEASE 10 April, 2018 Why is safety illegal for sex workers in Queensland?
Laws in Queensland criminalise essential safety strategies, forcing sex workers to choose between working safely or legally.
Past events at the Gold Coast Respect Inc office – 2017