We are here to help | Respect QLD

Respect Inc is receiving an unprecedented number of calls right now from sex workers who want advice. Our staff are available for emotional support, debrief, and to talk with you. You can call or email us, all contact details are here: https://respectqld.org.au/contact-us/

Respect Inc cannot give you firm advice of what is best for your income situation right now. We understand that all brothels, massage parlours and strip clubs will close at midnight tonight. You should apply  immediately for a Customer Reference Number and Job Seeker Allowance or Youth Allowance if you are eligible.

If you are a sex worker who needs financial relief please complete the self assessment tool via this link.

We are currently working on:

  • checking what emergency and crisis services are still open across the state, so we can give you firm and reliable referrals for material support.
  • clear advice about eligibility for Centrelink and similar government payments.


Thank you for your patience. If you have trouble getting through to us on the phone, try again in half an hour, or SMS for a call back.



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