Respect Inc. submission to Dept of Justice and Community Safety August 2021 | Respect QLD

Respect Inc.’s recommendations about Victoria passing sex work decriminalisation.

– How can the Victorian Government better work with and support the sex work industry to achieve better outcomes for sex workers and the industry?

– What can the Victorian Government do to promote understanding of the changes involved in the decriminalisation of sex work?

– To enable the appropriate regulation, changes will need to be made to planning controls as set out in this discussion paper. This could include changes to where sex work businesses can operate. What are your views on these changes?


Respect Inc recommends that sex workers, represented by Vixen Collective and Scarlet Alliance, be involved in sensitivity training and education of staff, experts and elected councillors responsible for the implementation of the Victorian Planning Policy as it is to be applied to sex work.

– Regulate the sex work industry just like any other industry, by agencies such as local government, Worksafe and the Department of Health.

– Remove offences and criminal penalties for consensual sex work, including street-based sex work in most locations.

Repeal the sex work licensing system, the Sex Work Act 1994 and associated regulations, and regulate the sex work industry through standard business laws.

Repeal offences related to mandatory testing and sexual health and introduce a new public health and infection control framework for the sex work industry focused on health promotion and harm reduction.

– Strengthen anti-discrimination protections for sex workers under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010.

Amend planning controls under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to support decriminalisation and reduce harm for sex workers.

Remove outdated advertising controls and restrictions on sex work businesses holding liquor licences.

Full submission here
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