Queensland laws criminalise sex worker safety (Eg letting another sex work know where we are, checking in when we finish a booking, working in pairs, using a driver another sex worker uses, hiring a receptionist etc) & make it almost impossible for sex workers to report crime.
The laws unnecessarily get in the way of sex worker safety and sex workers are criminalised for our work. Laws that criminalise sex worker safety are indefensible and must be repealed.
Why are we waiting for this change?
Recently media reported more than 30 sex workers charged for sex work in Queensland.
Sex Workers & Supporters are invited to join us
on 17 December as we recognise
International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers (IDEVASW)
with speeches & a candlelight vigil.
This event will focus on Queensland laws and the call for full decriminalisation of sex work as the only regulatory model that supports sex worker safety & rights.
It’s been 1
6 months since the Queensland government made decriminalisation policy & committed to referring it to the Qld Law Reform Commission.
It’s been 6 weeks since the Attorney General committed to make the referral.
But everyday sex workers go to work in Queensland having to decide between working SAFELY or LEGALLY.
If we choose to work safely we risk arrest and if we experience crime police rarely act on our reports.
We can’t wait while Queensland laws make sex workers unsafe.
***Rights are not gifts from policy makers***
When: 5.30pm (finishing at 6.30) Tuesday, 17 December, 2019
Where: Centenary Place Park, 85 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley