South East Qld Clinics
Comprehensive list of clinics where you can get a screen in South East Qld
Comprehensive list of clinics where you can get a screen in South East Qld
There is a review of the Anti-Discrimination Act (QLD) underway and it is our opportunity as sex workers and as a sex worker organisation to recommend changes to ensure that discrimination against sex workers is unlawful. 推动『昆士兰州反歧视法』革新 – 诚挚邀请您,参与问卷调查或是提交您身为性产业工作者,对于反歧视法革新的意见书/信访。《反歧视法》(QLD)的法律革新审查正在进行中,作为性工作者和性工作者组织,我们有机会提出修改建议,以确保对性工作者的歧视是非法的。
6 – 8 pm every second Wednesday, 2 Winn st, Fortitude valley
Respect Inc.性工作者协会主导,由性工作者主持,为性工作者的免费提供性健康检查