Q: Can brothels require sex workers to be vaccinated?
A: From 5 am 17 Dec 2021 Brothel workers are required to show proof of compliance before starting on shift.
Respect Inc successfully advocated for the ability to use your preferred name on the QLD Check In app and currently believe this method provides you the best privacy protection available.
Compliance means you are either vaccinated or you have a medical exemption, and you can prove it. Respect Inc recommends for sex workers that you use the Green tick on the QLD Check In app as proof. It is acceptable to use your work name for privacy on this app, you can change the name on it in the profile section. You can also change your phone number and email address. Your last check in will come up if you show someone your screen. We recommend updating your profile and checking in to the brothel prior to showing the green tick. Respect Inc currently believes this provides you the best privacy protection available.
Another option is you can show paper documentation given to you at the time of vaccination, to prove compliance.
The brothel is not required to check your legal name. If you have a medical exemption linked to your QLD Check In app, it still comes up with the green tick and you are considered compliant. The brothel does not need to know your vaccination status. They just need to know you are compliant. The brothel may document what type of proof you have shown. The brothel is not required to keep a copy of the proof.
New Queensland vaccination policy commence on 17 December 2021.
Venues that only allow fully vaccinated workers and clients will no longer have to limit the number of people on premises at one time. The limit on the number of brothel workers per shift still applies as it is not COVID related.
The science shows that people who are fully vaccinated have some protection against becoming severely unwell if they are exposed to any COVID variant.
Q: Do clients have to be vaccinated to access a brothel?
A: They will need a digital or paper proof of vaccination or medical exemption.
The methods of proof are:
- Green tick on their Check In app
- COVID19 digital vaccination certificate
- Immunisation history statement
- Paper documentation of proof
The onus is on the client, not the brothel, to comply with the orders. The brothel is not required to check their ID or take any other actions.
Q: Can brothels require receptionists and managers to be vaccinated?
A: Yes
Fair work states employers can require employees to be vaccinated where a specific law (such as the 17 Dec Qld public health order) requires an employee to be vaccinated.