LIT REVIEW: “Associations between sex work laws and sex workers’ health” Lucy Platt et al, 2018
The public health evidence clearly shows the harms associated with all forms of sex work criminalisation, including regulatory systems, which effectively leave the most marginalised, and typically the majority of, sex workers outside of the law.

17 December 2018, International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, with events across Queensland
A day recognised internationally remembering those sex workers whose lives have been lost to violence.

INDIA: “Research on raids and anti-trafficking measures” Sangram, 2018
The police, NGOs and others involved in ordering and conducting raids are generally not sensitive to the complex trajectory of the individuals they encounter during raids. This research report examines why.
Respect Inc. Scarlet Alliance Submission Human Rights Bill November 2018
Examining the systemic human rights violations due to the criminalisation of safe sex work practices. How the bill needs to be changed and what it should reflect.