From 1am AEST Thursday 14 April 2022, the requirement to check-in and to be fully vaccinated in a range of venues and events has ended. This includes brothels and private sex worker workplaces.
There are currently no special requirements in relation to Covid for sex workers.
Private sex workers are no longer required to collect and keep contact tracing information for clients. Sex workers and clients are no longer required to be fully vaccinated.
Mask requirement remain unchanged from 4 March 2022. The QLD government explains:
Couples welcome, doubles not:
- All sex workers in Queensland are able to accept couples bookings.
- Organising a private doubles booking is still illegal and not related to COVID.
- If the client does all the organising the doubles booking is allowed.
- Bring on decrim!!
Mask restrictions in Queensland
From 6pm AEST Friday 4 March 2022:
- Masks will no longer be required indoors, except in hospitals, residential aged care, disability accommodation, prisons, public transport, airports and on planes.
- Masks will no longer be required in schools, including for staff, students and visitors.
- Masks will still be recommended whenever you can’t social distance.
- There will be no limit on the number of visitors you can have in your home at one time.
- Venues and events will no longer have capacity limits.
Sex workers and clients basic COVID prevention strategies:
- Wash your hands
- Use protective equipment
- Do not work or visit a sex industry business if you feel unwell.
If you think you have COVID-19 symptoms call 13HEALTH or your local doctor.
The lockdown includes in-person sex work services. Based on previous lockdowns we believe in-person sex work will be subject to police surveillance, fines and arrest.
Respect Inc(리스펙트)팀의 중요 메시지
3일간의 브리즈번 전역 봉쇄가 1월 8일 금요일 오후 6 시부터 시작됩니다.
Chính phủ Queensland đã chỉ đạo tất cả các hoạt động mại dâm tư nhân dừng lại. Nhưng bạn có thể làm việc trên mạng trực tuyến hoặc điện thoại.
Bộ Y tế ra điều luật số 5 (Qld) đã được phát hành vào lúc 8h 22 phút tối Thứ năm ngày 9 tháng 4 năm 2020. Khoản tiền phạt khi vi phạm hướng này có thể lên tới $ 13,345.
현재 직접적인 대면으로 이루어지는 성노동에 대한 광고는 퀸즐랜드에서 금지되었습니다.
“모든 성매매 광고는 한사람이 다른사람의 성적만족을 위해 신체적 접촉을 포함한 모든 행위에 대해 기술하거나 암시할 수 없음.” 최대 벌금 $13,345